If you haven't, try this quick technique... very very easy...
1) Take an old kettle.. mine is really old… probably > 40 years old.
We need to cover all holes after the beans go in...
I buy organic green beans.. so I get organic taugeh.. :)
Updated: I tried using a stainless steel pot but cover it all the time except when you need to water the beans, it works just fine....
2) Soak the green beans for 6-8 hours.. I work, so I do this in the morning before I go to work.
After work, pour away the water… make sure it is really dry.
3) Then, water the beans every few hours.
Pour water through the mouth (is this how we call it? erg… cingcai-lah.. Kan we are sort of making green vege.. cingcai means green vege in mandarin).
Don’t open the cover as the bean can’t be exposed to light.. :) after you pour in the water, pour it out again… Just want to moist the beans but not to soak them.
4) teng… teng.. teng.. after 1-2 days, you see… you have taugeh….
I am lazy and I couldn’t wait to eat the taugeh.. so I only water them for 1 day.. but you can do for 2 days for bigger taugeh…
Apparently, more than 2 days, the taugeh is not so nice..
I learned this from Sin Chew Jit Poh, an article they published back in 2006…
Yes, it took me that long to try this out. :)
Updated 12 July:
A friend's home grown Taugeh, they look yummy... :)
nampak sedap lah Anic.
:) memang... must try.. for sure, no chemical use..
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