1) http://verypurpleperson.com/2009/10/wallet-tutorial.html
finished size when folded: 21x10 cm (8.5"x4")
finished size when opened: 21x20 cm (8.5"x8")
2 full width pockets
1 zippered pocket
6 card slots
(Azaidris used light weigth interface for card slots and medium weigth for wallet body and it worked well.)
2) Trifold Floral Wallet - http://www.craftpassion.com/2010/07/sewing-trifold-floral-wallet-tutorial-pattern.html
This has a section on "Tips on cutting and ironing fusible interfacing". Suggest you read before making any wallet. :)

With instruction on how to sew zip. It used turn & top stitch technique.

4) Quilted Wallet - http://darnkat.wordpress.com/quilted-fabric-wallet-tutorial/
Looks like it is about the same size as 1) but without zippered pocket, 6 card slots, 4 half width pockets and 2 full width pockets.
(Azaidris used heavy cotton so she didn't use batting and it turned out great.)
5) Supercool Wallet - http://www.craftbits.com/project/super-cool-wallet
6) http://bluebirdswing.blogspot.com/2010/06/my-very-first-tutorial-lets-make-wallet.html
Similar size as 1) but tri-fold. 1 zippered pocket and similar card holders as 3).
7) http://noodleheads.blogspot.com/2009/10/zippy-wallet-tutorial.html
Zip closure with external pocket. I have looked a few times, didn't find card pockets.
8) http://nadscraft.blogspot.com/2010/05/tutorial-tri-fold-wallet.html
(thanks to nojie#craft for reminding me of this post, her experience is to use the thinnest interfacing.)
9) http://sewchristine.blogspot.com/2008/03/walletpurse-with-coin-compartment.html
10) Mandarin tutorial here: http://www.pinbu.com/?uid-276569-action-viewspace-itemid-110269 with additional notes in English here: http://anic-lohas.blogspot.com/2011/07/sew-along-patchwork-wallet-week-2.html
Many more links here but I haven't looked carefully yet:
Dear Crafters of the above links,
Thank you very much for sharing these useful tutorials, let me know if you don't want to be linked.. Sorry that I didn't first ask for permission...
Thxs a lot..
for so long i,m looking for wallet tutorial..so happy now...got the idea,how the things done ...thx.thx.thx..yeay...yeay
baru semalam I browsing all the links that u letak kat sini.. semalam jugak I dah try to do my first card wallet.. but still WIP lerrr.. tunggu snap button from zila kassim dulu, baru bole tunjuk kat blog hahaha.. kita ni mcm ada same senses plak hahaha
salam... last week I ade buat tri-fold wallet as per
sgt cute dn senang nak masuk dlm handbag..
tp I salah gune interfacing tebal...if u nak try just gune interfacing yg paling nipis or gune kain heavy cotton...I might do 1 more...
Hi Jamilah,
Glad that it is useful for you.. :)
Hi Mila,
Good! We can learn from each other.. :)
Hi Nojie,
Thanks for the link and the tips. I saw that before and was drafting my pattern based on that, but when I was doing the article, somehow I missed it. I will add the information to post so that others will see it also..
I dah try pattern no.1 & no.4.
Both ok..
For no.1..utk card slot, i guna interface light wt. Utk body wallet, interface med wt.
For no.4, i tak guna batting sbb guna neavy cotton. Turned out great.
Hi Azaidris,
Thanks for your feedback. I will add that piece of useful information. Would love to see your wallets if you could post them..
med weight interfacing yg u guna tu berapa rm semeter?kat kedai ada byk jenis interfacing, bezanya harga je..makin tebal makin mahal..
hi anic,
thanks for posting my tutorial :)
omg, thank you for these useful sites! just what i was looking for! =)
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