
Friday, August 10, 2012

Plant it yourself - Basil

My favourite herbs at the moment,  Sweet Basil and Thai Basil.

There is no supermarket near my place which carry Sweet Basil. I have been wanting to plant it myself..   One day I bought a pot with only 1 sweet basil plant and cost me RM9 at Kelana Jaya Pasar Tani.   With just 1 small plant, it couldn't supply what I need.  My friend found a nursery which sell a pot with many sweet basil plants at RM11.30 per pot.  I was overjoyed when I saw the plants at Floristika, Jalan Liku, Bangsar.   I bought a pot of Sweet Basil and a pot of Thai Basil.   They came in small plastic pots but I changed them to bigger pots in hope that they will grow a lot bigger and give me plenty of leaves..  :)

Sweet Basil

Thai Basil
There is still fear that I will eat up all the Sweet Basil leaves and kill the plant.   So,  I want to have more Sweet Basil plants.   I tried to grow it from a cutting of the plant after some research on internet.

I kept the cutting in a mug and left it in my balcony but hiding it away from direct Sun.   I changed water everyday.

I was so happy to see the root system developed over a few days.   

Finally they are in the pot....

It gives me great satisfaction using herbs from of my own balcony..  :)

Check these links out for tips to grow your own Sweet Basil.

Wish you a wonderful weekend,  bye,


  1. wow... you have green hands... :) saya sure tak hidup punya.. hahahaha

  2. Zila... not really.. :) but have to try.. i use it in my spaghetti sauce and it is difficult to find it in supermarkets..
