
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bag Projects 16, 17 & 18 - all with piping

These are my May, June, July 2012 Alice Peng sew along projects.

I made this bag from thick canvas from Taiwan bought from Emma Huang.  Very sturdy..  but mati mati jahit with my NV 50.

Pencil case

Overnight bag

This bag is made from thick canvas bought online from China.  Very thick but the grain is not as fine as the thick canvas from Emma.   Again, another jahit sampai berpeluh peluh project...

Useful reference links for adding piping to bag:
2)!xIaEdO2eGRxklvw1H5zeF_4S/article?mid=57805  - this one shows how to join the 2 ends without overlapping..   I don't have the fanciful double sided tape,  I just use pin or clips...



  1. takpe sis.. jahit sampai berpeluh tapi hasilnya memang berbaloi-baloi.. memang cantik-cantik semua!

    berapa batang jarum yang patah? hihihi

  2. Zila, I broke 2 hand sewing needles as some parts were hand sewn. and yes, memang berbaloi.. :) very happy with the bag..

    thesewingroomdiva, thanks for dropping by and your bags are great!

  3. Hello Anic,

    I always envy people who has the talent and all the patience in this world to sew. I would love to sew myself but I lack both of the above! If I may ask, what do you do with all the bags that you've made? Do you sell them? Do you organise sewing classes? From your profile, you're in Selangor...anywhere near USJ?

    Oppss... I've asked too many questions huh? Sorry! Have a nice day!

  4. Hi MamaFami,

    Thanks for dropping by... :)

    I started sewing in July 2010.. :) so not so long ago..

    So far, I have used the bags myself and some were sewn for friends.. :) Don't think I am qualified to teach yet. :)

    Yes, am in Selangore.. Sunway Pyramid is 15 minutes away from me. :)

    BTW, 1 thing I forgot to mention in my comment in your blog.

    Margarine is high in trans fats. Trans fats not just increase bad cholesterol but also reduce good cholesterol (which will break down bad cholesterol). I suggest you avoid semua margarine and creamers...

  5. you're funny .. jahit sampai berpeluh hehe i love the bag ! I have the book but having problem understanding it. I just have to figure out through pictures though ..huhu...

  6. thanks anic. i am glad you like my bags :)

    and i enjoy the little unexpected twists you always put in your creations.

  7. Thanks Nadia... :) Happy to help explain some steps when you face difficulties with the book.
