
Monday, November 29, 2010

DIY Cloth Pad - Part 8 (Imported Flannel)

I meant to give cloth pads to a friend to try out..  have been dragging my feet and finally I completed 2 panty liners for her this morning.

There are 3 layers of flannel inside with additional 2 layers of flannel in the centre with a layer of hidden PUL (single layer PUL, not sandwiched).  I think it will be good for light flow too...

The one on the top is made from Imported Flannel I just bought from (R22 per meter):

The flannel is thicker than the ones I bought from Nagoya.   Harga kan tak sama.. :)

2 other imported flannel from the same place.

The niceclothdiaper site has left me (and cloth pad users) a comment:

"hi Anic and all,
We are clearing our PUL fabric here: . Check us out while stock last! Thanks. :)

Check out their website:

For more information about cloth pads,  please see my other cloth pads entries:


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Repairing my torn pants...

Hi all,

No craft work this week..  Only repairing my torn pants.

A pair of pants I have for probably more than 5 year?  Can't remember exactly..

Went through my stash and found a piece of linen cotton with the closest colour to the pants.

Cut two pieces of same size, folded  the seam inside and ironed, then ironed them on top and below the torn part using iron on fabric double sided tape.   I then machine sewed the 4 sides using zigzag stitch. Happy with the outcome and hopefully it will last a couple more years...

it is upside down.. :)  i took the picture myself while i was wearing it.. that is why.. hehe.. :)

Found this useful link giving tips on how to patch a pair of pants:

Bye now and have a wonderful week ahead.

Warmest regards,

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bag Project 4 - Hexagon Patchwork Bag (Completed)

Finally...  I have completed the hexagon patchwork bag.   :)  I don't think I will start another project like this anytime soon. Taking too much time...   :)  

Previous posts about this project here & here.

I have inserted purse feet for the bag, see this useful link to learn how:

The look of inside (inside out before turning).   The "Boxy Bag" tutorial has provided great help in attaching the lining.

Made quite a few mistakes along the way...   My thread unpicking technique has improved.. :)   See below to learn a few tricks:

Material used:
1) Fabrics
This is a project I bought from  Emma's handmade.  The outer fabric came with the project however I didn't used the lining fabric provided as it is blue.  I didn't think that it will go well with the outer fabric, hence I used  Japanese fabric "Alice's In The Wonderland" from stock clearance corner of May May Shop instead.

2) PU leather handle, rivet and purse feet
These are bought online from China website.
Rivet is also available from My handmade Station

I found these useful links which help in bag making :

1)  Attaching leather handle (The one above is PU and not real leather. I prefer not to use leather...)

2) How to set a double cap rivet?

3) How to sew curved corner?

5) How to press purse & bag?
I used thick canvas bought from Nagoya (1 meter about RM10.50).  In the old days,  my mom used this too for ironing and I was happy to see it at Nagoya.  :)

6) Sewing the zipper pocket

Bye now,

Monday, November 22, 2010

Bag Project 4 - Hexagon Patchwork Bag (2)

My hexagon patchwork bag still work in progress...

Finally, I reached the stage of sewing the pieces together to form a bag.  The material is quite thick, so I seek the help of binder clips...  :)  

Hopefully in a day or two, I will be able to complete the bag...

Have a good week ahead,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bag Project 6 - Lunch Bag 2

Selamat Hari Raya Korban to Muslim friends.

Finally I could do some sewing today..  I sewed another lunch bag. This is for a friend.  

Same design as the previous one made but it is slightly smaller size.  Didn't add seam allowance properly. :(   As before, it is based on Lunch Bag Tutorial by Pink Penguin.  

Materials used:
1) The strap is from:

2) Linen cotton for external from:

3) Waterproof material for lining (didn't manage to take good picture to show how it looks like inside) but the material is like this:
The material is quite thick and hard.

4) Stabilizer
I used the thickest stabilizer I have, a meter RM8.5, bought at PJ Old Town.   It is like kain keras (use for man shirt's collar) but there is glue to iron on to the fabric.

Bye now....