
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sewing Notion 19 - Magnetic Seam Guide

When I sewed a water proof bag sometime ago, I couldn't draw a line easily on the material.   To make sure I sewed an equal allowance straight line, I used the magnetic seam guide (see the gadget circled in red).

A bigger image of it borrowed online

Just attach  the magnetic guide to the metal throat plate on the sewing machine and it will help maintain a uniform seam width while you sew.   It is very convenient but the machine must have surface with steel for it to stick to..   In my NV50, there is barely enough surface for it..   

If you like to know how this is done in action, here is a nice video:

A fb friend suggested DIY using magnetic for Whiteboard...  something to try out. 

I have also seen crafters use  post it note to help:

An interesting image with all kinds of seam allowance guide:
That is all about seam guide.

Before I say bye, here is my naked NV50 while it was being serviced last week.   

It was nerve wracking experience watching my machine being serviced..   I fear that it will actually become worse after the service.   I still haven't do a test run at home...  hoping that it will at least sew like before.

Have a good weekend,

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bag Project 13 - 3 Layer Bag

This is my Feb 2012 Alice Peng sew along homework..   Have never sewn such thick material with so many layers with my Brother NV50. At time, at very thick area, I have to help the machine by pulling the material so that it actually moved...  The maroon fabric is like Canvas (but thicker).   Not just thick canvas, but many layers, for example, sewing the body (with pocket) to the gusset (again with pocket), 12 layers of fabric + stabiliser.  I have to say, I am very pleased that N50 was up for it... though not easy but manageable. 

I like the way the handles were decorated.  Basically adding a strip of fabric to the webbing.   

2 front pockets, 2 side pockets, 2 pockets inside.

BTW, thinking to send my NV50 to LSN for service. The calendar they sent me has a coupon for home sewing machine service at RM9 for this month!   If you have the calendar, you may want to check out what promotions are available throughout the year.

Bye now and have a good weekend,

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bag Project 12 - Waterproof Fabric Doctor Frame Bag

I sewed this with the tutorial provided by Florence Lui  ( in the virtual classroom organised by Potato House.

The tutorial I followed is only provided to participants, however, a similar  tutorial is available on the internet:

These are the frames I bought from Florence.    Look simple but they are great...

I like the bag opens up wide and stands well (due to the waterproof fabric). 

I thought I need to use Teflon foot but I managed to sew it with normal foot...   

To sew this waterproof fabric, we have to be careful not to make mistake as unpick will leave holes, jangan main main.. :)

There are differences between oil cloth & laminated fabric...  I don't know which one is the one I am using...  See Sue's explanation here:

Tips about sewing oilcloth (laminated fabric same same) here:

In my view key points are:
1) Don't make mistake :)  Unpick will leave holes.

2) The foot must be able to glide on the material, you can achieve this with Teflon foot, but there are also other methods mentioned in the sewmamasew article.  For the waterproof material I used,  I didn't find problem though using the normal foot.

3) Use 16 or even bigger needles (check that after you sew, the stitch is not loose like below.  If it is loose, then use needle size 18.)

Bye now,