
Sunday, August 14, 2011

DIY Clothes - Pants (2)

See DIY Clothes - Pants (1)

I am almost done with the pants I am making..     

wanted to add a back welt pocket to the pants which the pattern didn't include and am very happy that I could add one successfully!   Off course, I got all the help I need from googling..  :)
A good tutorial site on how to make the welt pocket: 

I used the third tutorial on this page but the size of welt is not included in the tutorial, however the information is provided in the below discussion: 

I haven't tried creating the pants pattern myself, but if you would like to try, here is a site with tutorial on how to create one:

AND I found free patterns for download here:

Here is a free pattern & sewing instruction for a wrap around pants (the Thai style):

Bye now,

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