
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sewing Notions 8 - DIY Thread Bobbin Card

My newly made bobbin cards..  made from old business cards I collected from friends for recycling purposes.  :) 

I bought some embroidery thread from feltralicious sometime back.   After I cut the length I need, there are 6 strands and I normally use a few strands and there is always some left.  I wanted to store them neatly and saw this nice printable bobbin card by Wild Olive:

I found the link through:   

(Thank you for sharing this)

I printed out the pdf file, simply cut and glued them to the old business cards to increase the thickness.   I then cut out each bobbin.  The bobbin cards are cute and easy to make..  and cost almost nothing..  :)

Similar formula for storing the laces & ribbon.. recycling cardboard...


  1. so many good ideas... but just added up to my list first... nak siapkan baju raya duluuuuu hahaha.. tension sbb suddenly hubby added 2 more.. for his younger brother n wife...

  2. :) yes, baju raya dulu..

    boleh jahit baju untuk family members is the best. :)

    Happy sewing...
