
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Patchwork Wristlet

I saw Pink Penguin's cute patchwork wristlet and was inspired to make one.. 

So, I took out the scrap I have and started cutting and matching them.  Something quite pink..  :)

I have fun making this and maybe you would also like to try.   Pink Penguin's tutorial is quite detail, check out her site.  :)

Bye now and have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Anic!

    this is so cute!! ^^ lovely lace kinda thing..right? :)

  2. Ciao Anic! Thanks to have been on my site.
    I like your creations.
    Saluti dall'Italia. lilla

  3. Wah..cepat nye u buat.
    I've been following her (pink penguin) tapi dok tengok jek. Lagipun i takde cutter set lagi so..potong squares comey2 tu berchenta hehehe *alasan*

  4. Hi Lynn,
    :) After raya, sew one. :)

    Hi lilla,
    Good to see you here... Please come again. :)

    Hi Azaidris,
    Bila dah ada semangat, mus quickly sew.. if not, no chance later. :) But certainly, ada cutter is a lot easier.
