
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tissue Paper Holder - very easy to sew it yourself

A very quick project for a friend...  I promised I will sew her a tissue paper holder and it only took me a few months...  She reminded me yesterday, so I spared some very precious time of mine to materialise my promise..  :)   I should be more careful next time not to make promises easily..  :)

Believe me, very simple.  Probably took about 15 mins to make one.

Very purple person shared a nice tutorial:  -  But I have the lining fabric longer than the outer fabric..     The top & bottom are raw edges though which I trimmed them with zigzag scissors.

The below another  one I like.  All edges are hidden in between outer fabric & lining.

Hope my friend likes it...


  1. yup... i like it.. informative tutorial..

  2. Dah lama nak buat satu but till now, the pocket tissue just remain silent on my sewing table hahah

  3. Thanks SCLover.

    Mila, it is really quick.. especially you are super fast in sewing.. :)
