
Monday, July 11, 2011

Sew Along - Patchwork Wallet (Week 3)

All post related to this sew along, here.

Sharing the notes ahead of schedule in case you need it sooner...   :)   It is ok to do it next week.. :)

Week 3 - 18th - 24th July (Making the zipper compartment, Picture 7, 8, 9 10)

To create the zipper pocket, cut 2 pieces of 9CM(H) * 17CM (W),  Add a thin interfacing to only 1 side.   Note that the zipper is facing down and the print you like for the front of the pocket should be on the bottom.

Use the zipper foot and have the edge of zipper foot line up with the edge of the seam.  Turn the right side facing out and then top stitch.   The zipper used here is 10 CM and I trimmed the tail a little so that it is about 1 CM from the last part of the zipper.

Fold near the beginning the zipper and top stitch like the following.  You should have about 5 cm from the left.

The back piece of zipper pocket should be 9.5CM(H) *12.5 CM (W).  Please note that the picture has a different size..  I have her book to verify this..  :)   Have the zipper piece insert in between the 2 back pieces. Author suggested to add interface to one of the back piece.   I didn't do as I think there is enough thickness.  :)

Note that the beginning of  the zipper should be inserted in between of the 2 back pieces as well.    I made a mistake here!  and have to unpick.

The rest the tutorial's picture is quite clear..  :)

Updated 12 July:   Trying to post photos with the right steps this time.

Make sure the metal piece of the zipper is slightly away from the side so that top stitch is possible later.


  1. wahh at step 3 already.. plan to do the step 2 tonight.. hopefully

  2. nurul lom start lagi, mlm tadi br tgk2 scap kain yg ade..insyaallah mlm ni wat outer pieces dolu..

  3. Mila, yeah... I shared this quickly as the size of the back piece of the zipper pocket in the tutorial is 4.5 CM bigger than what we need... Thought it may confuse you.

    Hi Nurul, ok... looking forward to see yours. :)
