
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sew Along - Patchwork Wallet (Week 1 Updates from Participants)

All post related to this sew along, here.

Where are we now?  :) 

Most of us have completed our outer fabric for the wallet.    It is not late yet if you would like to join us.  :)


Gee Rms':

SewLove's week 1 update in her blog:

Mila's week 1 update,  hop over to her blog to find out more:

This is mine :)

Sue, don't panic...  take your time... :)


  1. wahhhh cantik2 belaka.
    my week 2 is still in progress... sometime need to look at the tutorial n your guide 3 4 times.. then baru faham hihihi

  2. keep it up girls !!! hehehe ..

  3. :) yeah mila.. all cantik cantik belaka.. if there is anything not clear, please feel free to ask.. i will try my best to answer.. :)

    nadia... yes.. keep it up.. :)
