
Thursday, June 16, 2011

DIY Cloth Pad - Part 10 (Turn and top Stitch)

I sewed these 2 cloth pads for friends.  

Bought this Flannel print in Kamdar Sunway.   The material is slightly thicker than what I had bought locally before.
I normally turned & top stitched my cloth pads because I did not have a good serger at home.  My side seam is usually quite small and making it hard to close the opening left for the turn.   I found a technique to make it easier...  have a bigger seam for the opening.. see the left side of the wing.   I tried and it really helps!  
Recently, I bought a serger, Brother 3034D.   This cloth pad, I tried to serge the sides, rather than turn and top stitch.   I need  to practise more, not very nice finishing.    I have to hide the cutting knife to avoid the curves being cut...
Bye now..


  1. lovely floral fabric! They are pretty!

  2. 17 Jun 11, 10:11 AM
    Mila: Tak best betul.. I cant comment on ur blog, dont know whats wrong.

    17 Jun 11, 10:10 AM
    Mila: Congrat for the new serger

    17 Jun 11, 10:09 AM
    Mila: Anic, I think turn n top stitch is much more reliable in long run, neat also. if using serger, after several wash benangnya terkeluar. but maybe because of I am not that "pandai" using my serger

  3. Thanks Vintage Coconut.. :)

    Hi Mila, thanks for sharing your experience. I too think that turn & top stitch is more lasting.. the serging is so tempting though as it is quicker to complete a pad. :) i saw the one serged by expert like Lynn looks really good...

  4. Agreed with you.. the one sewed by Lynn look neat n cantik.. maybe she practice a lot. Satu lagi, u need to turn the cutter off. but after several time tried, I dont wanna to think about using serger anymore hahha putus asa..

    wahh I can leave my comment at last... I am having trouble with all blog that have ur previous comment setting, I dont know why, it kept on not recognize my ID and post as anynomous in which the blog will block it. But ok with other comment setting such this setting

  5. I want this kind of fabric to be done for curtains , do you have any idea

    Made To Measure Curtains

  6. Anic,

    you got new toy? congrats!! took me few months b4 i really get the hang of my serger :p

    thanks for the compliment, im still learning about my machines..oh..tired oredi..

  7. Hi Lynn.. :) yeah... new toy.. Brother 3034D :) long way to go before I could serge like you. :)
