
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bag Project 7 - Reversible Bucket Bag (1)

I have been staying in tune with MyBotang's Reversible Bucket Bag - Sew along.

I wasn't sure if I am going to find the time to do it, so I didn't join...   However, today I really want to do some craft work, so I picked the fabrics and cut them...  Once the fabric is cut, there is no turning back..  I need to complete the bag..  :)

Here is the choice of my fabrics:

The links to the instructions and pattern are available from MyBotang's Reversible Bucket Bag - Sew along.
The below abbreviations appear in the instructions, save you time googling them if you don't already know: :)
1) RST - Right Side Together
2) RSO - Right Side Out
3) WS - Wrong Side
4) WSU - Wrong Side Up
5) RSU - Right Side Up

The 2 A4 pattern sheets joined up look like below:  

There are circles on both sheets.  Fold or cut one sheet and overlap the circles from each side.

Thanks Sue for the inspiration to make the bag....

Warmest regards,


  1. love the fabric choice Anic.. very retro and chic on one side and demure and elegant on the other... do join our flickr group.. would love to see how it would turn out..

  2. Hi Alissa,
    Thanks for the power.. :)

    Hi Sue,
    :) I have fun choosing the fabrics..

    I have already started posting photos at the group.. :)

  3. I love your fabric choices!! (VERY SWEET)

  4. Hi Vintage Coconut,
    Thank you and congratulations for the win at yurtcraft... and turning to cloth.. :)

    Hi Mila,
    Thank you and long time no speak.. :)

    Warmest regards,

  5. Thank you for the congrats Anic. I would have never even known about the contest if it wasn't for you and your blog. I found yours while researching cloth alternatives. =)

  6. memang pilihan yang menarik.. tak sabar nk tgk hasilnyer... :D

  7. Hi Vintage Coconut,
    You are most welcome.. and i am so happy that another lady turning to cloth.. :)

    Hi MamaDaniel,
    Terima kasih... :) I have ironed the interface/fusible fleece, soon i will start jahit. :)
