
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bag Project 3 - Linen Cotton & Green Polka Bag

Newly made bag for my mom, hope she likes it...

The pattern is taken from this book I bought from Applemama.  I don't have an exact pattern and tutorial link to share for this one, however the design is almost like the one below except that the it does not use a zip:

Materials used:
1) The linen cotton:
I bought it when she had promotion.   Otherwise, it would be costly as it is imported Japanese Linen Cotton by Lecien Corp.

2) Green polka from May May.

3) Green stripe from Nana Craft Corner - again..  got it when she was giving 20% discount.  :)

4) 8" YKK Zip from Heart Handy

Finally, I am able to sew an even seam... hooray..  :)   See the below picture, there are 3 lines on the pressure foot.  For sewing a 0.7 cm seam, I align the edge of the fabric on the 3rd line. 

It is probably easier if I buy the Seam Guide:

Checking out how much it cost...

Bye now,


  1. surely your mum will love it... i like the way you match the fabric...

    I wish one day my daugther will share with me her handmade too hahhaa.. berangan jap yerr

  2. Anic,

    lawa la! serius ni. apakata you buat byk2, then sell it off kat office :D

  3. Hi Mila, Lynn,

    Thank you for the encouraging comments.. :)

    Tak boleh lagi jual kat office.. kena perfect the sewing more. :)

    berangan dulu but there is the possibility of menjadi kenyataan.. :)

  4. betoi2 kiut, lawa, tak penah terpikir plak nak jait zip cenggitu..huhuhuhu....

  5. sueann, :)
    this is the first time i used this zip... :)
    it is nicer but didn't see them in shops. i bought them online...

  6. yep, this kind of zip mmg selalu ada jual online. kat kedai, zip beg biasa tu jer..itupon kaler putih ngan itam jer...hehe.nanti nk try jaitla design beg camni..bleh ker? sdg carik design handbag for my darling mum..

  7. hi sueann... of course.. :) surely your mom would be very happy to receive handbag made by you with lots of love.. :)

  8. hi anic...i suka sgt tgk blog ni..i rasa sgt bangga tgk org malaysia sgt kreatif ...anyway, good luck dgn upcoming project..moga2 u success dlm hidup...

  9. Hi Nurul,

    Thank you for the encouraging words and well wishes.. :)

  10. Adorable and very fashionable. ladies will surely love this kind of bag, aside from the fact that it is very handy it was also look great.
