
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Alternative to Cloth Pad - Menstrual Cup

Another reusable menstrual product..  Menstrual cup 

If you haven't heard, here is a good place to start:

Now after you have figured what it is and are open to the idea, here is more information:

1) What size or brand should I get?  

After reading, still do not khow what is best for you?

I just found this.."Take the Cup Quiz Here!

Is it better?  Or even more confusing...  :)

Luckily (or unlucky?)  I didn't know all this;  I was over excited and bought the cup from the only place I could find locally, TinyTapir.  I just bought one of the brands they carry, fortunately it works well for me

2) Where to buy?
TinyTapir carry Mooncup and Ladycup.   

Many brands sell their cups online too.   Here is a very good link that gives the list of websites for online purchase:

My favourite site for buying Ladycup is:  as the seller includes shipping and sometimes you get good price via Auction. 

3) If you need more information, these are good places to seek help:

I am not a Tampon user and don't like it actually.  But the thought of just having my cup with me that is all I need for my menses, I just can't resist the idea. Though the cloth pads are also good… but with cup, a lot less washing.   So, I was determined to get the cup work for me. This effort put in will bring a lot of convenience for the many years to come.   Fortunately, it turned out well for me.  :)

If you continue to read till this point, maybe there is a chance that you may try the cup..  :)
Let me know if you need more information, I will try my best to help..


  1. I came across to the cup but cant figured out on how to use it... and I have never use tampoon.

  2. It is inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual fluid. Like this:

    It only looks scary.. but once it is inside, you won't feel it.. it is very comfortable, no pads during menses.. :)

  3. wah camtuh yerr.. no leaking and no pad needed? emm should I try one eks.. but for sure, no DIY for this cup hihihi

  4. anic,

    i know how the cup works, but i cannot make myself put it in there..hahahaha! too scary for me :DDD

  5. :) yes.. it takes some courage...

    I couldn't resist the benefits... When I am traveling for awhile, the cup is just so much more convenient than cloth pads..

    So, I practise, practise and practise to get it to work... :)

  6. cloth pads are comfortable, but cup is like you don't have period... :)

  7. Hi Mila,

    You should try... it is worth the effort, so many more years to go we going to have menses.

    Check out
    A lot of information there..

    This one tak ada DIY.. :) Though I have seen people asking where to buy material to DIY one. :)

  8. muat ke...? kalau mak-mak mungkin la kan...

  9. muat... dalam tu very elastik..
    i bukan ma ma.. muat juga. :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Anic,

    yes, i have read Mila's entry and yours..

    I am interested after all the reading, but i dont want my first experience to be a turn off.. well in TT, the carry 2 brand and both are very different in price. Can you suggest which i should try as a beginner?

    i notice the the Lady Cup is quite pricey, are they worth it?

  12. Hi Yuzlin,

    I suggest you for ladycup, softer and easier to squeeze to make it small for inserting.. It is very worth while.. I know you are a cloth pad users, but we can't go swimming/into the pool/sea with cloth pad during menses.. :)

  13. ISABEL Menstrual Cup Medium Size-✅Best Quality Menstrual Cup For Women-FDA Approved-100% Medical Grade silicon Menstrual cup-Pad Free Periods Menstrual Cup For Menstruation-Reusable Menstrual cup✅Best Menstrual cup-Period cup for women leak proof

    Menstrual cup
